Abstract: We propose GestureMark, a novel input technique for target selection on XR glasses using smartwatch touch gestures as input. As XR glasses get smaller and lighter, their usage increases rapidly, leading to a higher demand for efficient shortcuts for everyday life. We explored the uses of gesture input on smartwatch touchscreen, including simple swipe, swipe combinations, and bezel-to-bezel (B2B) gesture as an input modality. Through an experiment with 16 participants, we found that while swipe gestures were efficient for four-choice selections, B2B was superior for 16-choice inputs. Feedback mechanisms did not enhance performance but reduced perceived workload. Our findings highlight the potential of integrating smartwatches as secondary input devices for XR glasses.
Appeared:The Augmented Humans International Conference 2024, doi:10.1145/3652920.3652941
, Minju Baeck, Hui-Shyong Yeo, Thad Starner, Woontack Woo, "GestureMark: Shortcut Input Technique using Smartwatch Touch Gestures for XR Glasses"